Universal Basic Income

From the Internet

Yes this is the real issue. Until very recently humans were subsistence farmers, most jobs requiring humans to produce enough food to survive.

Then tech allowed 1 human to produce 1+ human’s worth of food, freeing that other person to do something other than subsistence farming. Tech also made it more efficient, horse to car for example. But tech did not fully replace humans.

Now 1 person can make a full cities worth of food and instead of tech making the humans more efficient it’s removing them completely. Using a capitalistic system would then remove the need for any staff lower than an executive in a company, just people ordering around and paying for the machines. Ultimately and IMO ideally it should just transform into a profit sharing system / universal basic income with the company of machines allowing the rest of the population to be free from a job.
– Reddit user dafsuhammer (source)

UBI critics: If we give people money without conditions, people will stop working.
UBI pilot: Turns out the UBI group worked more than the control group.
UBI critics: Well of course giving people more money works. But it costs too much.
UBI pilot: Turns out the money spent on UBI reduced other costs greater than the UBI.
UBI critics: Yeah but people will stop working.

See Also

What does a government owe its people