Diluting the faith

Something Christian pastors wrestle with is how much to "dilute" the message of the bible.

If you can water down the message of Christ 10% and ensure that you recruit another person to be saved, is that a tradeoff you're willing to make?

At what point does it become too diluted to be "true"?

There's millions of memes of youth pastors trying their damndest to be relatable ("You know who else called Saul?").

Is the core message of "Believe in Christ and repent for your sins" enough? Or at least enough to open the door?

Or are you more militant, believing that ANY dilution, and compromise, is blasphemous, and you must take the good with the bad, the whole package, as written.

See Also

Tone Policing

John Wesley

In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity
– Probably not John Wesley

The point is clear: as a religion, agree about the essential things, let people choose for themselves on everything else, but above all else, don't be a dick about it.