This was a panel at #Nerdcon 2016.


  1. Skip something
  2. Hack forgetting

Practice giving the talk with loud noises and TVs and while holding a leg behind your head. Don't worry about forgetting. Meh just move on

  1. Meet people

If you know people it’s a different vibe

  1. Baby got back seat

Sit in the last seat

Answers questions like how loud, what do with hands, how big font

  1. Breathe on purpose

Take that control

  1. Eye contact

All the time always

Extinguish everyone's eye visions by looking at them

Don't be creepy

You can just hone in and talk to just one person (see #3)

  1. Pearl from the cufflink

Once upon a time there's a man, good decent man with a similar wife / life

One day his heirloom falls off on the boat as he's driving home.

It falls off the boat.

He tells his wife.

Buys the cod fresh

He feels better

The pearl isn't there

If you say something and people think it, if you don't say it but people think it

See Also

Giving a Speech or Presentation